How to Apply for Camden County OEO Services

Camden County OEO has programs to assist with:

  • Rental Assistance
  • Security Deposits
  • Mortgage Assistance
  • Food Assistance ($100 gift card for individuals or $250 gift card for families)
  • Utility Assistance

Please review all of our programs and services for providing assistance that give relief to economically disadvantaged persons in emergency circumstances and to help clients achieve self-sufficiency. 

Contact the appropriate program directly or call (856) 964-6887.
Please note the online screening form is temporary unavailable. Please print out the screening form and complete.

You can scan the document and email to, fax the document to 856-365-2784, send via email or drop off the completed document at the the drop.

Eligibility and Required Documentation for Assistance:

  1. screening form must be completed by all applicants and provided to staff. The form can be completed and submitted electronically if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (which is free) or printed and faxed to 856-365-2784 or emailed to (Please only fax a court summons or Warrant of Removal along with the screening form.) 
  2. You must show proof of what caused you to fall behind in paying your bills.
  3. Clients who are in danger of being evicted must have a court summons with a docket number (that cannot be more than six months old).
  4. The summons must be in your name to apply for homeless prevention.
  5. If you are homeless, you must bring a letter from a shelter or social service agency.

Listed below are the basic pre-eligibility requirements for our programs:

  • You must be able to show proof that you can pay future rent and other household expenses. 
  • You must live in your current residence at least three months before you fell behind in your rent. 
  • You must show proof that you had a loss of income beyond your control. 
  • You must have a working telephone number where you may be reached during working hours so you can be scheduled for an appointment. 

First Month Rental Assistance:

Provide a lease or a letter from the new landlord. If you cannot obtain the lease, a letter should be typed on the landlord’s letterhead with the following information:

  • Your new address
  • The name/address/telephone number of the landlord
  • The total move-in cost (broken down by security deposit and first month’s rent)   

Please review all of our programs and services for providing assistance that give relief to economically disadvantaged persons in emergency circumstances and to help clients achieve self-sufficiency. 

Contact the appropriate program directly or call (856) 964-6887.
Please not the online screening form is temporary unavailable. Please print out the screening form and complete.

You can scan the document and email to, fax the document to 856-365-2784, send via email or drop off the completed document at the the drop

Eligibility and Required Documentation for Assistance:

  1. screening form must be completed by all applicants and provided to staff. The form can be completed and submitted electronically if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (which is free) or printed and faxed to 856-365-2784 or emailed to (Please only fax a court summons or Warrant of Removal along with the screening form.) 
  2. You must show proof of what caused you to fall behind in paying your bills.
  3. Clients who are in danger of being evicted must have a court summons with a docket number (that cannot be more than six months old).
  4. The summons must be in your name to apply for homeless prevention.
  5. If you are homeless, you must bring a letter from a shelter or social service agency.

Listed below are the basic pre-eligibility requirements for our programs:

  • You must be able to show proof that you can pay future rent and other household expenses. 
  • You must live in your current residence at least three months before you fell behind in your rent. 
  • You must show proof that you had a loss of income beyond your control. 
  • You must have a working telephone number where you may be reached during working hours so you can be scheduled for an appointment. 

Back Rental Assistance

You must provide proof of Income for all household members. The following are acceptable forms of  proof of income:

  • If you are employed you must submit pay stubs.
  • If you are paid bi-weekly, submit two (2) most recent pay stubs.
  • If you are paid weekly, submit four (4) most recent pay stubs.
  • If you receive Social Security submit the Award Letter or bank statement.
  • If you are unemployed submit two (2) current unemployment check stubs.
  • If you receive a Pension, submit the Award Letter or bank statement.
  • If you receive child support submit the Court issued documents or copies of child support checks.
  • Social Security Card(s) for all household members.
  • Birth Certificate(s) for all household members.
  • Picture ID (must be a NJ Drivers License or NJ State or County issued ID). 
  • Eviction notice/Warrant for Removal (issued from the courts, along with docket number stating amount owed).
  • Utility bill (clients seeking utility assistance), only provided if you have a shut off notice.
  • Copies of all bills and receipts you have PAID out each month.
  • Monthly budget sheet (to be completed during appointment with case manager).
  • Proof of residency.
  • Proof of child and child residency.

The following are acceptable forms of verification:

  • Medical Records
  • Baptismal Certificate
  • Legal Guardianship Papers
  • Affidavit from Community Member
  • Adoption Papers
  • Court Records
  • School Records
  • Income Tax Return

After the screening form has been reviewed, someone will call you to notify you of your status. If you are eligible to receive assistance, a staff member will set up an appointment. Please bring all the required documents to your scheduled appointment to complete the process.