Employment Services

Camden County OEO has developed the Employment Services program to prepare and advocate for residents of Camden County. The agency works with businesses and training facilities to assist clients find appropriate employment. We identify barriers that have been preventing clients from obtaining employment and provide the appropriate services needed to help clients secure and retain a job that is compatible with their aptitude and desired career path.

The scope of services provides a clearinghouse of local jobs available in the Camden County Area and surrounding communities. The program recruits clients to fill these positions. We provide orientation to work readiness and collaborate with outside agencies to provide trade or business school training. In addition, Camden County OEO provides additional basic skills workshops such as resume preparation, review interviewing skills, wearing professional attire, and telephone techniques. The program has created a job bank from employers from the surrounding areas, who are willing to fill entry-level positions with residents in the community for long-term, if not permanent employment.

Ideal clients are those who are recently unemployed, single parent(s), former substance abusers, high school drop outs, ex-offenders, homeless individuals, individuals who have become disengaged and isolated from employment, and potential mainstream entrepreneurs.

Urban Women’s Center